Having an intruder in your home is a nightmare scenario that everyone hopes will never happen to them.
In figures published by the Office of National Statistics, it was reported that over 430,000 burglaries occurred in England and Wales during the year ending June 2018. That's a 2% increase on the previous year.
That figure equates to around seven burglaries per thousand people. According to Brandwatch.com, the average Facebook user has around 338 Facebook friends - so, statistically speaking, two of your Facebook friends will be burgled in the next year.
Burglary and home invasion are rare but real occurrences, which begs the question: what would you do if an intruder entered your house while you were in?
This guide is here to help you answer that question and prepare for this worst-case scenario.
What to Do During a Break-In
So, picture the scene: you're at home, you hear the sound of glass breaking downstairs, and you know there's someone in your house. What do you do?
It's often recommended that you either:
- Escape the premises and get to safety, calling the police as soon as you are able to do so, or...
- Hide in a safe place where the intruder is unlikely to find you. This may be a safe, lockable room (ideally one equipped with a phone) or a safe spot that is out of general visibility.
While confrontation isn't encouraged, self-defence may be necessary if you come face to face with the intruder(s). At this point, it's good to know that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) allows anyone to use "reasonable force" to protect themselves or others. You are also permitted to carry out a citizen's arrest in order to prevent a crime.
However, it's important to note that this isn't a green light to act like John McClane. Confronting an intruder can result in dire consequences, especially if the invading party is armed. You should only engage your intruder as a last resort - it's always best to get out if you can, or hide if escape isn't possible.
Preventing a Break-In
It's long been said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and taking certain security measures can help to ward off intruders before they've even set foot in your home.
The mere presence of a camera or alarm in a visible spot attached to your property can be enough of a warning sign to dissuade opportunistic criminals, making them a great crime deterrent as well as a useful reactive safety feature.
Home Security from IDS
We at IDS Security, we offer a variety of options to help keep you, your family and your property safe from home invasions, ranging from basic intruder alarms to state-of-the-art surveillance equipment.
Monitored around the clock from a remote monitoring station, our high-quality house alarm systems utilise the latest digital signalling equipment to provide ample protection in the event of break-in, alerting the emergency services should such an incident occur.
While more commonly used for business premises, door entry systems can also be used to great effect in residences. They offer designated people access to specific rooms using a card, fob, etc. This can be particularly useful if you want to keep a particular room off-limits - ideal for a safe room.
We use cutting-edge security innovations to provide you with the most advanced CCTV solutions available. This can include digital recording, fibre optic / radio transmission and computer monitoring, as well as remote-controlled lights.
For more information on our home safety systems, call 029 20 753 251 today to speak with one of our specialists or contact us online via the link below.
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