Initially developed as an innovative method to help cigarette smokers quit smoking, the use of vapes and e-cigarettes have seen a massive boom in popularity in recent years. While vapes are still a useful tool for those struggling with nicotine addiction, there has been a marked increase in the prevalence of vaping among teenagers. As a result of this, schools are seeking effective measures to curb this trend.
If security breaches and unauthorised access are a concern, the question of the most secure access method is a pertinent one. From key cards to fingerprint identification, passcodes to key fobs, each method offers its own blend of convenience and security. Let’s delve into each of these methods to uncover their relative strengths and weaknesses.
Securing your premises with an access control system is a great way to keep out unauthorised individuals. If your doors will only open for those who present a valid key card or enter the correct passcode, it’s very easy to limit entry exclusively to people you know and trust. More...
Fire extinguishers are essential components of a robust fire protection plan. Different fires will require different types of fire extinguishers, so it’s important to understand the difference between them. This blog explains the various classes of fire and the types of fire extinguishers needed to put them out.
Warehouses are used by businesses in many different industries (including transport, retail and manufacturing) to store all kinds of goods.
Typically, these are very large buildings located in remote areas. This can make warehouses an attractive target for criminals who are looking to gain access and potentially steal inventory and/or damage property.