There are so many people across the UK who are getting in the Christmas spirit early this year. 2020 has been a tumultuous year and people are ready for a bit of festive cheer. Here at IDS, we know that businesses have had a lot to cope with and various parts of the UK are still facing the challenge of lockdown restrictions.
One thing's for certain, if and when small businesses can open back up again, they're going to be taking advantage of the Christmas shoppers and hopefully making up for sales lost earlier in the year.
Here at IDS, we want to help small businesses open up in a safe manner so that they can welcome Christmas shoppers back into their stores with open arms (socially distanced of course).
Controlling customer numbers
One of the first challenges that businesses face during the coronavirus pandemic, is making sure that the number of people inside their store is kept to a minimum.
Now, you've probably seen some smaller businesses using a "one-in, one-out" system, but as the weather gets colder, shoppers may not want to hang around in the cold and wait for their turn to enter your shop. The very thought of this is probably driving Christmas shoppers to buy online anyway, but there is something you can do to make sure your business can accommodate anyone who comes to shop in person.
How can you remedy this? Well, to start with, we'd recommend reading our blog - How Many People Can I Have in My Shop at a Time?
Rather than having one or two people in-store at a time, you'd be able to accommodate more Christmas shoppers with the right technology in place.
We'd recommend taking a look at our density control cameras, designed to help you manage people coming in and out of your store automatically. That's right, you won't need someone to stand by the door and count people as they come in and out, our density control cameras will do the hard work for you.
Density Control Cameras >
Detecting COVID-19 in shoppers
Most business owners would agree that knowing whether or not their customers had COVID-19 would make it much easier to create a safe shopping space. Of course, you can do your bit by providing track and trace QR codes, but this only really becomes useful after the customers have been to your store and left.
You'd hope that people going out and about to do their Christmas shopping would be sensible enough to stay at home if they suspected they had COVID-19, but this isn't always the case. Some people are unaware that they have it and others are taking too long to recognise their symptoms.
There is a way to protect your business! Our thermal screening cameras can look out for any customers with an unusually high temperature, a key indicator of COVID-19. This can be useful, not only for your customers but for your employees too. Checking temperatures regularly will help make sure that no one visiting or working in your business over Christmas has a fever.
Thermal Screening Cameras >
We know that Christmas 2020 is going to be challenging, but with a little help from IDS Security, you can make your business safe for Christmas shoppers. Give us a call on 029 20 753 251 for more information.