If you're someone with a lot of valuables in your home, it can be a huge worry when you leave your house unoccupied for a period of time. One way that you can keep your valuables safe is by storing them in a safe place. But where are the safest places to store valuables at home? Under the bed? On top of the fridge? Today we're going to take a look at some of the best places to store your valuables at home.
Places you should hide valuables:
- A Safe - Installing a safe with a combination lock or keypad is a great way to store valuables like jewellery. Most burglars want to be in and out of your property quickly, and won't want to waste time faffing with a secure safe. Just make sure that your safe is attached to your home in some way so it can't be taken out in its entirety.
- Food Cupboard - This option is a little less conventional (and not necessarily as secure as a safe), but it can be a good option for items of less value. Burglars are highly unlikely to go stifling through your tins, rice packets or cereal boxes in search of valuables, so the back of a food cupboard could be a good option for you.
- False Bottom Drawer - If you're feeling crafty with DIY, then you might be interested in creating a false bottom drawer to store your valuables. Adding an additional layer to a standard drawer will conceal your valuables and baffle most burglars.
- Kitchen Cache - Another great way to store valuables is to keep them in a cache. This could be anything from a false tin can to a cereal box. Again, it's highly unlikely that a burglar will take the time to open all your cans or check your cereal boxes, so why not use them to your advantage?
Places you shouldn't hide valuables
- In a Drawer - People who leave valuable items in plain sight at the top of a drawer are likely to fall foul to a burglar. If they break into your kitchen, it's quite likely they'll have a quick rummage through your drawers because this is where people often leave spare car keys and other valuables. Drawers are easily accessible, so it's best to pick a different hiding place!
- Under Your Bed/Mattress - If you thought that hiding something under your bed would keep it safe, you're sadly mistaken. Lots of people believe that this is a 'safe' space and it didn't take long for burglars to catch on. Hiding money or other valuables under your bed is not safe!
- The Toilet Tank - We've all seen the movies where money, guns and other contraband are hidden in the toilet tank. Sadly, this is something that some homeowners try when it comes to hiding their valuables and it just doesn't work. Not only will your valuables get wet, but you also run the risk of a burglar uncovering them in a last-ditch attempt to scour your bathroom. Just don't do it.
- Garages - While it might not be the first place you choose to hide your valuables, garages are a no-go! Yes, you might have a sturdy garage door that's always locked, but if a burglar breaks into your house, there's a good chance they'll also gain access to the garage. Don't leave anything valuable in there unless you're 100% sure it's secure.
We could go on forever talking about the do's and don'ts of storing valuables at home, but the safest way to look after your valuables is to invest in a good home security system. Here at IDS Security, we can provide you with CCTV cameras, an intruder alarm and a whole host of other security equipment that will help keep your valuables safe, wherever you are in the world!
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