re-opening after COVID-19

COVID-19 restrictions are finally lifting which is great news for businesses across the UK! As shoppers return to the high streets, and employees return to the office, it's likely that that you'll need to take a few additional precautions to help keep everyone safe and secure. After all, coronavirus hasn't magically disappeared, so if you want your business to re-open successfully, we advise you put a few of these systems in place.


1. Crowd control

We all know that coronavirus spreads when people come into close contact with each other. If you own a business where large crowds of people tend to gather, eg. a restaurant or a shop, you may want to put a few measures in place to control the number of people in your business premises at any given time. 

Here at IDS Security, we offer a density control system that allows you to monitor the number of people in your business premises at any one time. To use our people counting system, you simply need to install our density control cameras at the entrances of your premises. All the data is sent to a user-friendly screen that you can monitor throughout the day to make sure large crowds aren't forming. 

Density Control Systems >


2. Fire alarms

Lots of business premises have been empty for a year (or two), so it's important that you check your fire alarms working before you re-open. Working in an environment without a working fire safety system in place can be disastrous, not to mention dangerous. The last thing you want is an accidental fire forcing you to close your doors or move premises, after only a few weeks of 'normal' work. 

A lot of the business owners we speak to have also had to make significant changes to the layout of their premises, this includes:

  • Spacing out desks
  • Re-arranging walkways
  • Creating one-way systems
  • Closing off communal areas

With these changes in place, business owners are advised to re-think their fire escape protocol. You need to make sure that everyone can exit the building safely and congregate in a suitable area. If you do make changes to your fire escape plan, it's important that you make sure everyone in the business is up-to-date and aware of any changes made.

If the fire alarm systems in your premises need updating, the IDS Security team are happy to help! We've created bespoke fire alarm systems for businesses across the UK and South Wales, so we can help you re-open safely.

Fire Alarm System >


 3. Intruder alarms & CCTV

Crime rates fell by over 30% during the first few months of the COVID-19 lockdown. Why? Because everyone was stuck inside and businesses & pubs were closed! With fewer people on the streets, it was much easier for police to detect, prevent and respond to crimes. Now that everything is opening back up, we (sadly) predict that there will be a spike in crimes across the UK. There are a few reasons for this....

Firstly, business owners are preoccupied with re-opening and putting COVID-19 safety precautions in place, which means their business security is being neglected. Secondly, a lot of people are going out and 'making up for lost time' by getting drunk and partying, which means there's likely to be a spike in fights and drunk & disorderly behaviour. And thirdly, a lot of people lost their jobs during the pandemic. A generally poorer population tends to lead to an increase in crimes. 

So, what can you do about it? One of the best ways to protect your business is to install intruder alarms and CCTV cameras, both of which we can supply and install for you. Taking the time to improve your business security before you re-open is vital, especially as we enter the post-COVID-19 period. 

Intruder Alarms >         CCTV Cameras >

Read More: Has the UK Crime Rate Gone Up or Down During Lockdown?

These are just a few of the precautions you can take when re-opening your business after COVID-19. With a little help from the IDS team, you can make sure your employees, visitors and premises are perfectly safe! Be sure to get in touch with us for a FREE business security survey. 

Contact IDS Security >

uk crime rates and coronavirus

For the past year, the UK has been subject to a range of lockdown restrictions that have drastically changed our normal lives. The usual routines of heading out to work, popping to the pub on a Friday, and meeting friends for coffees have been taken away from us in order to keep the country safe. 

When thinking about the impact that the "stay at home" orders have had on crime rates, you'd probably expect to see them go down dramatically. After all, a large number of crimes including drug dealing, anti-social behaviour, and shoplifting require criminals to go outside. 

That being said, it might be naive of us to think that criminals who already break the law on a daily basis are sticking to the lockdown restrictions religiously, even if it means putting their lives and the lives of others on the line. 

So, let's dig a little bit deeper into some crime statistics that were collected during lockdown to find out whether crime rates have, in fact, gone up or down. 

Data collected by The Office for National Statistics

During the months of April and May 2020, the UK was put under strict national lockdown restrictions to control the spread of COVID-19. The Office for National Statistics conducted a Telephone-Operated Crime Survey to find out how trends in crime were changing during this period. 

They were then able to compare the crime rates during this two-month period to a pre-lockdown two-month average to establish whether or not crime rates had gone up or down.

What did they find out?

The Office for National Statistics reported that during the period between April and May 2020, crimes (no including computer misuse or fraud) fell by 32%. During this time, there was also a shift in the public's perception of police officers, with 91% of all adults in the survey reporting that they were satisfied with the way the police in their area were responding to the ongoing situation.

Which crime rates fell the most and why?

There are a few crimes in particular that happened far less frequently due to lockdown restrictions. One of these was theft. In fact, theft offences fell to almost half the level recorded in April and May 2019.

Of these theft offences, domestic burglary saw a significant drop. With people at home more frequently and for longer periods of time, the opportunity for domestic burglaries in vacant properties was dramatically reduced. 

Shoplifting offences were also less frequent. A lot of shops that would usually be open to the public were closed, therefore removing the opportunity for theft in public spaces.

Were there any exceptions to this trend?

Yes, sadly the coronavirus pandemic didn't stop certain criminals from carrying on with their daily business. Drug offences actually rose by 22% in April and 44% in Mary 2020 compared to the same months in the previous year. 

This doesn't necessarily mean that the number of drug offenders doubled during this time. With police attention away from crimes like shoplifting and domestic burglary, and with fewer people out on the streets, it was easier to identify potential criminal activity and prosecute accordingly. 

Home and Business Security

While these statistics indicate that certain crime rates have gone down, that doesn't mean that now is a time to neglect your security measures. 

Business owners, who may have empty premises for the next few months (or longer) should really consider improving their business security to protect any assets inside. While shoplifting is certainly easier when a shop is open and operational, burglars are guaranteed to attempt a robbery at an unoccupied business if they can see there are no security measures in place.

Business Security >

Homeowners who have been spending more time than even in their properties might have become a little bit relaxed with their security systems. After all, we know that burglars are unlikely to attempt a break-in if they know you're at home. 

That being said, many of us will be returning to work, visiting friends, and (hopefully) heading off on holidays later in 2021, so now is a great time to get your home equipped with a reliable home security system. 

Home Security >

Our engineers are still working despite the COVID-19 lockdown and we've got measures in place to keep you safe. Get in touch to arrange a free quotation today!

Read More: Keeping You Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic

covid pandemic workplace changes

The coronavirus pandemic has been challenging for businesses across all sectors, but we knew it was vital to keep providing reliable security services for businesses and homeowners throughout this troubling time.

During the first lockdown, we provided an emergency callout service while we got our safety procedures in place. Thankfully, we were able to return to a fully-operational service within the first month! We've been able to remain open throughout the pandemic, but in order to do this, we've had to make some significant changes to the way we work. 

Pre-booked appointments

One of our main goals throughout the pandemic has been to minimise disruption for our clients and keep our services running "as normally" as possible. We've found it really beneficial to speak to our clients over the phone or via email to pre-book their appointments. 

Arranging appointments ahead of time provides peace-of-mind for our clients, ensures they're prepared for our visit, and allows us to make sure everything is safe for our engineers before they arrive on-site.

Social distancing & hygiene

Social distancing has become a part of everyday life now, and we're sticking to the guidelines too. All of our technicians are keeping a safe distance while they work & avoiding face-to-face contact where possible.

On top of this, we've introduced some new protocols to make sure people entering the IDS offices are adhering to the guidelines too. We've got designated car parking spaces & we've provided handwashing stations near our doors so people can sanitise their hands before entering and exiting the building.

Our engineers are issued with...

We knew, from the very beginning of the pandemic, that our engineers would need to be prepared before entering your homes to keep you (our clients) and them (our staff) safe. Before attending an appointment, our engineers are issued with:

An information pack containing:

  • IDS COVID 19 Risk Assessment
  • Working Safely from a vehicle
  • Working Safely in other people’s homes
  • IDS Hazardous Substances Safety Information Sheet – Alcohol Hand Sanitizer
  • Coronavirus COVID 19 follow the rules info sheet
  • NHS Wales Cough and Sneeze info sheet
  • How to put on a mask
  • IDS Question card

A hygiene pack containing:

  • Face Shield
  • Half face P3 Mask & Filters
  • KN 95 Masks
  • Surgical Masks
  • Nitrile Gloves x 100
  • Disinfectant wipes x 200
  • Keep your distance – 2m sticker
  • Hand Sanitiser – liquid 250ml
  • Hand Sanitiser – Gel 500ml
  • Liquid Soap
  • COVID 19 Procedure Reminder Card

Hopefully, this gives you an overview of the different protocols we have in place to continue working safely throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We understand that security systems are (in some cases) more important than ever before. With a lot of offices and businesses closing their doors for the time being, there are a lot of vulnerable, empty properties that need an additional layer of security.

If you're looking to improve the security systems in your premises, don't hesitate to get in touch. Take a look at our home and business security systems by clicking the appropriate buttons below:

Home Security >                          Business Security >

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your covid-19 fire safety questions answered

COVID-19 has completely changed the way that a lot of us work. Consequently, there have been a lot of changes to fire safety guidance and procedures too. We know you have a lot of questions about what you can and cannot do in relation to fire safety - well, today we're going to answer as many as we can!

The person responsible for fire safety in my workplace is self-isolating. What should I do?

No one can predict if and when members of the team will have to self isolate, your NHS Track and Trace app could alert you at any time. That's why it's important that people with responsibilities such as fire safety ensure that there are trained staff members who know the fire safety procedures so an incident can be managed effectively. 

There should be a premises fire risk assessment that's made available to all members of staff on-site so that everyone understands how to react to an escalating fire safety situation.

Can firefighters carry out a risk assessment of my premises for me?

No, the emergency services shouldn't be contacted unless the situation at hand poses a significant risk to life. A responsible person should be able to carry out a fire risk assessment for you. If you're unsure whether you need to update your fire alarm systems, we can offer a FREE security survey to help you out!

Can fire and rescue teams still respond to 999 calls as usual?

In line with the Government guidance, most fire and rescue services are doing their best to limit non-essential contact. That's why it's important that we all try to limit the number of false fire alarm alerts!

Read More: Preventing False Fire Alarms

Firefighters will still attend 999 calls if the risk is deemed severe enough to warrant a call-out. High-priority cases will be dealt with first. Head to your local fire and rescue website for more information on their current procedures.

emergency exit

Can fire exits be locked if there are fewer people on the premises?

As a general rule of thumb, no fire exits should be locked or blocked regardless of the number of people inside. There always needs to be a suitable number of fire exits available to occupants at all times, including signage and emergency lighting. Refer to your fire safety risk assessment as a guide, and if you're still not sure, speak to the person in charge of fire safety on your premises. 

Can fire doors be wedged open to limit the contact with door handles?

No, fire doors should never be propped open because this makes them ineffective in the event of a fire. Fire doors keep you safe by preventing a fire from spreading from one area of your premises to another. They can only do this if they're closed!

If you're concerned about people touching the fire door handles on a regular basis, then you should employ other hand hygiene tactics, for example:

  • Add a hand sanitising/hand wash station nearby.
  • Increase the number of times that handles and hard surfaces are disinfected. 
  • Ask employees to take a different route in and out of the building (unless it's an emergency of course!)

Should employees congregate outside if the fire alarm goes off?

Yes, if the fire alarm goes off, it's absolutely vital that all persons inside the building exit quickly and in an orderly fashion. They should congregate at the pre-determined fire assembly point.

What if this conflicts with social distancing?

If you're worried about social distancing at your fire assembly point there are a few things you can do. Firstly, you can choose a different fire assembly point that offers more space. Where this is not possible, you may need to revise instructions and expectations.

One way you could improve safety at the fire assembly point is to make sure that all persons have a face covering on them at all times while they're inside the building. Should a fire alarm occur, they can use their masks to provide some protection, even if social distancing is not 100% possible. 

Keeping your employees/occupants safe should be your number one priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. So, if you don't have an adequate fire safety system in place, get in touch with the IDS team today!

Our Fire Alarm Systems >

Read More: Fire Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

fire safety during the COVID-19 pandemic

We're still feeling the effects of COVID-19 a year on, which means many of us have made significant changes to our home and working environments. With these changes in place, it's possible that you'll need to review your fire safety protocols to make sure that your employees and your family are kept safe at all times. 

Fire safety in your home

While COVID-19 lockdown restrictions are ongoing, spending an unprecedented amount of time in your house has become the new norm. Most house fires start in the kitchen, so while you might usually have your breakfast on the go and your lunch in the office cafeteria, now, you're making more of your meals at home. 

We all like to think that we remember to turn the hob off after every use, but with children home from school and the added stress of at-home zoom calls, it's easy to walk away from your oven and forget. This is where a simple snack can turn into a serious incident real fast!

Here are a few steps you can take to ensure your home is protected against fires during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Ensure that all of your fire alarms are in working order.
  • Check that you have something to put out a fire should one occur, eg. a suitable fire extinguisher.
  • Identify new risks & put plans in place to reduce the risk.
  • Ensure that vulnerable or sick people understand what to do in the event of a fire.
  • Make sure that escape routes are accessible (does your new home office have a fire escape?)

Fire safety in commercial properties

Commercial properties have really had to adapt to continue functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic, and with so many changes being made in the workplace, it's vital that fire safety procedures are reviewed and updated too.

Fire doors

We know that some premises have been propping open doors so that people walking through the building don't have to touch as many door handles. While this might seem like a perfectly acceptable idea, propping open your fire doors is incredibly dangerous.

Fire doors are designed to stop fires from spreading from one area of your building to another. Wherever possible, keep your self-closing fire doors shut.

Empty buildings

Lots of business owners have taken steps to close their premises for the time being. Whether your staff are working from home or your business has been deemed non-essential, there are a lot more empty buildings than usual. 

With fewer people on-site, it's unlikely that a fire will occur, but if a fire does start it has a much better chance of spreading before someone can be there to stop it. For this reason, it's important that you have a fire safety system in place before you leave your premises empty.

Our Fire Safety Systems

Here at IDS Security, we can design, install and maintain a fire safety system in your home or commercial premises that will keep you safe through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. 

Our team of installers has been installing fire safety systems for over 20 years, so we can provide sound advice and expertise. We also offer round-the-clock monitoring so that you have one less stress on your mind during these worrying times. 

Our Fire Alarm Systems >

To find out more about our fire safety systems, or to find out more about what we can do for you during the COVID-19 pandemic, give us a call on 029 20 753 251.

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