If you have a burglar alarm or you're looking to get a burglar alarm installation for your property, you may be wondering how often a burglar alarm needs servicing, or whether burglar alarms need servicing at all!
If you're here for the short answer then yes, burglar alarms, like any piece of electronic equipment, will need yearly servicing and maintenance.
How Often Should Burglar Alarms Be Serviced?
Burglar alarms need servicing once a year by a trained security system professional. If you have your burglar alarm monitored, you should get your burglar alarm serviced twice a year to ensure that the signalling equipment is still up to standard.
What Will Happen If I Don't Get My Burglar Alarm Serviced?
If you choose to not have your burglar alarm serviced, you risk your burglar alarm becoming ineffective as a security solution. This also may affect any warranties you may have on the product if you do not maintain it regularly.
If your burglar alarm stops working, its presence may still work as a deterrent to burglars but, if they go through with the act, this wouldn't be much help to you or your family at all!
Ultimately, if you do not get your burglar alarm serviced, you are leaving your premises vulnerable to burglary. It is definitely always worth regularly servicing and maintaining your burglar alarm.
How to Maintain and Service Your Burglar Alarm
If you want to keep your premises safe, we suggest taking out a security system maintenance package with your security system provider.
With a security system maintenance package, you can rest assured that your security is in safe hands.
If you find that your burglar alarm is not working up to your standards or you suspect that your burglar alarm is broken in some way, our maintained customers receive a 24 hour call-out monitoring and engineering service, where one of our trained professionals will help you assess your burglar alarm for any defects.
If you're interested in our security systems maintenance package, or if you have any queries about our security services and how we can help you, do not hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team who will be more than happy to assist you.