In 2022, police forces across England and Wales received a total of 250,690 crime reports about burglary. So, what can be done to bring that number down? Well, preventing crime is often the best way of solving crime. No need to solve a burglary if you can stop it from happening, after all.
Here at IDS Security, one of the best prevention solutions we offer is CCTV, or closed-circuit television. But does it work to deter burglars? Yes, it does, and we’re here to show you how.
How does CCTV deter burglars?
CCTV helps reduce crime in general, but is especially useful against burglary. A lot of burglaries are crimes of opportunity, done by someone taking advantage of an open window or unlocked door that they notice when passing by. But a working CCTV camera makes it nearly impossible to break into a property without being noticed. Successful burglars don’t get seen, so if they spot a CCTV camera, a burglar is more likely to avoid your property.
But don’t just take our word for it. Former burglars have confirmed this in interviews with The Guardian newspaper and with tech journalism site TechRadar
If a particularly determined or desperate burglar does break in, the CCTV system can record their entry, exit, and the crimes themselves, so that evidence of this can be used in court.
READ MORE: How Does CCTV Work?
Where does CCTV work best?
It may be tempting to have CCTV everywhere in your home, but it’s probably best to position the cameras in places that might otherwise be blind spots. Alleyways and porches would benefit from camera coverage, for example, and CCTV inside the house can track a burglar’s progress if they do manage to break in. Otherwise, it’s worth making sure the front and back doors and ground-floor windows are covered. If there have been previous burglaries in the past, upgrade your security at those points of access to prevent repeat offences.
Make sure that the cameras are angled such that they can obtain good-quality facial images. This will make it easier to identify the burglar, and secure a conviction.
It’s also a good idea to have it linked to a smartphone, so you can be quietly alerted if someone crosses your boundary. This allows you to contact the police before the burglar can escape.
You can also have a CCTV system that integrates with other aspects of home security like an intruder alarm so that if someone crosses your boundary, the loud noise of the alarm and visible camera should prove double the deterrent.
CCTV works even better alongside strong physical security like secure doors and windows.
READ MORE: How to Protect Your Home from Burglars
Security is one of the top priorities for every homeowner. After all, if you don’t feel safe at home, where can you feel safe?
Here at IDS Security, we take that security seriously. Talk to us today to help keep your home secure.
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