When a burglar targets a home, it’s highly unlikely that they’re looking for what’s in your fridge, although that has happened in the past.
The majority of burglars are targeting homes that they know contain high-value items that they can easily take and sell. The emphasis for most burglars is to ‘get in and get out’ as fast as you can with as much as you can, which is why many burglaries are committed within 10 minutes!
Now, there are a number of ways that you can help to prevent your home from being the victim of a break-in; from adding security cameras to getting a guard dog. But, the most effective way is to make sure your home doesn’t become a target in the first place. How do you do that? First things first, ensure that your high-value items are out of sight. Keep them locked away in a secure place away from windows and doors. According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales 2019, 699 domestic burglaries took place from March 2018 to March 2019, up from the 691 burglaries that took place during the previous 12 months. Here are the most stolen items:
- Watches & Jewellery
- Purses, Wallets & Money
- Computers and computer equipment
- Electrical goods
- Mobile phones
- Clothes
- Food & Toiletries
- Handbags & briefcases
- Furniture & household items
- Personal documents
- Vehicles
- Keys
- Garden Furniture
Securing your home
Burglars often admit that their number one reason for changing their mind about burgling a house is seeing it has a working alarm system. The smallest amount of doubt about committing a break-in as a result of seeing a security system in place can result in your home being skipped by criminals. Therefore, investing in a fully-functional and effective home security system could potentially be the difference between your most valuable items being there one morning or not.
Here at IDS, we provide a range of home security systems that ensure your home is secured and protected 24 hours a day. From CCTV cameras to intruder alarms, our solutions work to minimise the risk of criminal activity on your property, whilst maximising the protection of your high-valued goods. You can even combine our security options to create one bespoke, security system that is tailored to your property and security needs!
Browse Our Home Security Systems >
If unfortunately, you’ve been the victim of domestic burglary, you can find out the steps that you need to take here.
For more information on our home security systems or how IDS can help to make your home less likely to be targeted by domestic burglary, please do not hesitate to contact us today by calling 02920 753 251 or emailing us at admin@ids-securitylts.co.uk.