Protecting your premises from fire is not only incredibly important – it’s a legal requirement. When it comes to choosing which fire protection devices to install, there are a few factors to consider.
Depending on the size and purpose of a room or building, you’ll either need a smoke detector or a heat detector. This blog looks at the difference between them and which fire safety devices you should install in your home or place of business.
What's the difference between a smoke detector and a heat detector?
You might be confused because these terms are often used interchangeably, but they’re actually two different systems. In short, smoke detectors alert the user when a room becomes filled with smoke, whereas heat detectors will alarm when a room or area reaches a certain temperature.
Let's take a closer look at both devices...
What is a smoke detector?
Smoke detectors are simple devices that are designed to detect smoke.
If the sensor picks up a dangerous level of smoke in a specific area, an alarm will sound alerting you of potential danger.
Smoke detectors should be installed in any room where there’s a fire risk. For example, in residential buildings, you might want to install them in bedrooms, hallways and any other living spaces – basically anywhere a fire could start.
What is a heat detector?
Heat alarms are designed to go off when a room reaches a certain temperature.
These devices are particularly useful in rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens that are expected to fill with smoke or steam when in use. A smoke detector in these areas would be less practical as they would often sound false alarms.
Choosing an effective fire detection system
A well thought-out, properly installed fire detection system could save your life. Smoke detectors and heat detectors can be used as part of an effective fire detection system.
Here are some key factors to bear in mind when protecting your premises:
- One alarm isn’t enough to protect you.
- Install smoke alarms in all areas where a fire could start.
- Install heat alarms instead of smoke detectors in smoky or steamy rooms like kitchens and bathrooms.
- Only purchase fire alarms that are marked with a current British Standards or European (CE) safety mark as these are approved and safe.
- Consider choosing alarms that can be interlinked so that if one device detects a fire, every alarm linked to it will go off at the same time. That way everyone in the building is alerted of the danger as soon as possible.
Fire alarm installation service from IDS
IDS is Cardiff’s leading provider of reliable fire protection systems. With over 20 years of fire alarm installation experience and access to the latest fire protection technology, you can rely on us to keep your home or business safe.
We also offer round-the-clock monitoring of your fire alarm system and a 24/7 call out service for maintained customers.
Contact us today to learn more about our fire alarm systems and request a FREE quotation.
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