Even a workplace with high-tech security systems is only as secure as its weakest link, so as a business owner, you need to make sure everyone in the company is mindful of potential security issues.
To help keep your business safe, here’s a list of security tips to pass on to your employees to help minimise the risk of physical security breaches.
How can I make my workplace secure?
1) Close doors properly
After passing through an entrance, employees should ensure that the door is closed and locked before moving on.
Slow-close doors in particular can allow intruders access if you don’t wait to make sure the door is fully closed.
2) Don’t grant access to strangers
When entering the premises, don't hold the door open for anyone you don't know.
Humans naturally like to help others, which is why it can be easy for criminals to gain access to restricted areas while pretending to be cleaners or contractors. This practice is also known as tailgating.
To prevent this, we recommend providing all employees with sufficient training on the dangers of tailgating. Explain how to handle strangers who request entry, and remind everyone that they mustn’t help people to bypass your access control system (e.g. by holding open a door that requires a passcode).
3) Don’t leave ID/access cards lying around
Many offices use ID cards to grant their employees access to restricted areas. Employees must be made aware of the importance of keeping these items on their person at all times. Leaving them lying around increases the chances of them getting lost or stolen, putting the entire workplace at risk.
To help prevent access devices from falling into the wrong hands, consider installing smart access control systems such as biometric security devices that require fingerprints or facial recognition to gain entry.
4) Store office keys safely
Employees will often acquire several sets of keys for things like office doors, filing cabinets and store cupboards, so it can be tempting to leave them in bags or drawers rather than have them jangling in their pockets all day. But, leaving keys unattended is a security risk. Criminals can steal them and return at a later date (outside of working hours) to break in.
5) Keep work devices locked when away from your desk
Leaving computers, laptops and work phones unlocked and unattended, even if you’re only stepping away for a moment, is a huge security risk. The wrong person could retrieve sensitive information, company details, personal details, etc. in just a few minutes.
Password-protect all office devices and train your staff to always lock them before leaving their desks.
Workplace security systems from IDS
If you’re looking to safeguard your business, we at IDS Security can help. We supply, install, monitor and service a wide array of business security systems, including door entry panels, intruder alarms and security barriers. Book a FREE security survey at the link below.
Free Security Survey